Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Moshi Monster

Moshi monsters. This is an online game on the internet I have started this game from the first possible years ago but I do not play anymore because I was lazy and did not know how. My sister was playing it the way I'm tough and I'm proud of myself when I got it from the first .. My sister finished playing Moshi monsters I opened the link I forgot my nickname and finally back from the beginning .. hahahahha
Katsumas are rabbit-like creatures with personalities similar to that of a cat. They are probably the most commonly adopted creatures playable on the game. They speak Katsumanese with a “squishy” voice which varies in pitch depending on their mood. Like all monsters, Katsumas love leveling up.

A Poppet is a type of monster found on the Moshi Monsters website. One of the most common choices amongst users, Poppets are mostly popular with girls due to their adorable look and personality. Although, some sensitive boys also choose Poppets. Their language is called Poppetanium. Like Luvlis, Poppets are almost exclusively females due to their timid personalities and cute appearances.

Diavlos are one of the monsters adoptable on Moshi Monsters. Diavlos are mostly adopted by boys due to their devilish personalities. However, like Poppets, their appearances are cute, making them popular with girls as well. Their Diavlian accents are generally high and croaky.

Luvlis are one of the six playable species of monsters on Moshi Monsters. All Luvlis speak Luvling. Luvlis also look like cherries and like Poppets, are almost exclusively females due to their feminime appearances and voices. Girls are most likely to pick a Luvli. Luvlis are the fourth most popular monster in the game.

Furis are friendly and like a cuddle. They always look a bit depressed, but that’s just natural! They are lively and fun creatures, perfect for both girls and boys. When a Furi is angry, it’s best to leave it alone to let off some steam. But, we all get like that sometimes!

Zommers are one of the six types of monster you can choose to adopt. They are fluent in speaking Zommeranian and they are the least commonly adopted monster, probably because of their ghoulish appearances. When Zommers are adopted, they are mostly chosen by boys. Zommers are almost exclusively males.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

national parks

wow! This is the coolest place for me name the park "Iguazu" try clay cool pictures once I know this place from the movie on TV. This fountain can diapak raft ride around a very large waterfall yng .. so I really want to go there. PLEASE GOD 

Dartmoor National Park is wholly contained within the boundaries of Devon and is dominated by some of the wildest upland moorland in the UK. Granite outcrops or tors are a feature of the landscape and add visual interest.

When you remember that much of California once had millions of these Dartmoor giants, you can understand the fervent desire of citizens of this state to find many ways of halting the destruction of the almost perfect example of the unique California environment

Yosemite National Park, located in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains, is a 1,200 square mile area filled with cliffs, unusual rock formations, giant sequoia groves, rare plants, and impressive waterfalls.  Yet most visitors to the park visit only the Yosemite Valley.

The Bungle Bungles, situated in Purnululu National Park in Western Australia.  hemm.. maybe you dont like.. BUT  i very like it!!
 Hancock gorge, located in the Karijini National Park in Western Australia. is close to the park on this one I am sure that you also love that palce to........ SO? if you come to autralia come to hancock.