Jumat, 04 November 2011


1.Ikan Viper

Memiliki nama latin Mesopelagic dapat ditemukan dikedalaman 80-1600 meter, merupakan ikan dengan tampang super kejam (mulut lebar dan gigi tajam). seperti kebanyakan ikan dari lautan dalam, ikan ini tidak memiliki warna kulit alias tembus pandang dan organnya menyala karena proses yang disebut bioluminescence, selain itu mereka memiliki mata yang besar untuk mengumpulkan cahaya sebanyak mungkin di dalam kondisi minim cahaya atau bahkan tanpa cahaya sama sekali. Mulutnya yang lebar dalam menelan utuh ikan yang bahkan lebih besar dari badannya, hal ini dimungkinkan karena perutnya bersifat elastis sehingga dapat mengembang. Ikan-ikan dasar laut ini harus beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang sangat minim stok makanan karena lingkungannya yg sangat dalam sehingga tidak banyak mahluk lain yg blogwalking berkeliaran, kadang mereka saling memakan sesama sejenis untuk dapat bertahan hidup.

Dikenal juga dengan nama Anoplogaster Cornuta, meski terlihat seperti monster, ikan ini cuma dapat tumbuh sampai 6 inci panjangnya. Ikan ini memiliki tubuh pendek dengan kepala yang berukuran besar, ikan ini hidup dikedalaman yang cukup ekstrim yaitu 16.000 kaki. Tekanan yang tinggi dan temperatur yang hampir membeku membuat makanan sulit didapatkan, sehingga ikan ini hampir memakan semua yang dapat ditemui. Fangtooth dapat ditemukan di lautan tropikal seperti Australia.

Mempunyai nama latin Grammatostomias Flagellibarba, hidup di kedalaman 5000 kaki / 1.500 meter, memiliki semacam belalai menyala yang terhubung dengan dagunya. Dibagian samping tubuhnya juga terdapat bagian menyala yang digunakan untuk memberi tanda kepada ikan Dragonfish lain selama musim kawin.

Dikenal juga dengan nama Melanocetus Johnsoni, tubuhnya berkembang sampai 5 inci, tubuhnya hampir menyerupai bola basket, ditemukan dikedalaman 3000 kaki.

5.Giant Isopod
Dikenal juga dengan nama Bathynomus Giganteus, dapat tumbuh sampai panjang 16 inci, hidup dikedalaman 2000 kaki.

6.Ikan Kapak
Binatang yang kecil ini adalah penghuni jurang laut (spesies terbesar yang dikenal hanya 12 cm), dan benar-benar tidak berbahaya, tetapi wajahnya adalah mimpi buruk.
ikan ini ditemukan di perairan tropis dan subtropis di seluruh dunia, dan memakan makhluk yang lebih kecil di jurang, seperti copepoda (semacam Crustacea). 

Bintang eksklusif untuk danau Xochimilco, di Meksiko, spesies axolotl (berarti "rakasa air" dalam Nahuatl, bahasa Aztec) sebenarnya sejenis salamander.
Tidak hanya memiliki wajah tampak lucu tapi juga aneh "rambut" merah, insang seperti bulu.Memang, ini spesies salamander remaja biasanya mempertahankan fitur-fiturnya seluruh pada hidupnya (ini disebut neotheny).
Sayangnya, ini amfibi langka ini terancam karena polusi ... dan juga dianggap lezat oleh orang - orang di beberapa bagian Meksiko. 

8.Red lipped Bat Fish

Ikan ini memiliki wajah yang aneh mungkin kita bertanya-tanya mengapa binatang ini tidak cukup terkenal. wajahnya praktis datar, mempunyai hidung, panjang runcing dan tampak seperti telah banyak menggunakan lipstik.
keanehan alam ini ditemukan di Galapagos dan memiliki kerabat dekat di perairan Amerika Tengah. Ini adalah perenang lambat dan lebih memilih untuk menyeret dirinya sendiri di dasar laut menggunakan sirip sebagai "tangan". 

9.X-ray fish 
Ini ikan X-ray,aku tidak begitu tau tentang hewan ini tapi yang aku tau dia hidup di laut,yang tidak terlalu meter kira kira hanya sedalam 10 meter.

10.Frilled Shark
Ini predator laut dalam, salah satu hiu yang paling primitif hidup pada zaman sekarang, adalah peninggalan dari periode Cretaceous, hiu berjumbai dapat tumbuh hingga 2 meter (Ukuran Hiu perempuan lebih besar daripada hiu laki-laki) dan mereka tinggal di perairan dalam, di mana sebagian besar mereka makan cumi-cumi. Mereka tidak berbahaya bagi manusia, dan Sebenarnya, hiu menghabiskan seluruh hidup mereka tanpa melihat manusia karena mereka tinggal di laut dalam. Hanya spesimen yang sudah mati biasanya terlihat di permukaan dan dicatat oleh nelayan atau ilmuwan.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2011

Moshi Monster

Moshi monsters. This is an online game on the internet I have started this game from the first possible years ago but I do not play anymore because I was lazy and did not know how. My sister was playing it the way I'm tough and I'm proud of myself when I got it from the first .. My sister finished playing Moshi monsters I opened the link I forgot my nickname and finally back from the beginning .. hahahahha
Katsumas are rabbit-like creatures with personalities similar to that of a cat. They are probably the most commonly adopted creatures playable on the game. They speak Katsumanese with a “squishy” voice which varies in pitch depending on their mood. Like all monsters, Katsumas love leveling up.

A Poppet is a type of monster found on the Moshi Monsters website. One of the most common choices amongst users, Poppets are mostly popular with girls due to their adorable look and personality. Although, some sensitive boys also choose Poppets. Their language is called Poppetanium. Like Luvlis, Poppets are almost exclusively females due to their timid personalities and cute appearances.

Diavlos are one of the monsters adoptable on Moshi Monsters. Diavlos are mostly adopted by boys due to their devilish personalities. However, like Poppets, their appearances are cute, making them popular with girls as well. Their Diavlian accents are generally high and croaky.

Luvlis are one of the six playable species of monsters on Moshi Monsters. All Luvlis speak Luvling. Luvlis also look like cherries and like Poppets, are almost exclusively females due to their feminime appearances and voices. Girls are most likely to pick a Luvli. Luvlis are the fourth most popular monster in the game.

Furis are friendly and like a cuddle. They always look a bit depressed, but that’s just natural! They are lively and fun creatures, perfect for both girls and boys. When a Furi is angry, it’s best to leave it alone to let off some steam. But, we all get like that sometimes!

Zommers are one of the six types of monster you can choose to adopt. They are fluent in speaking Zommeranian and they are the least commonly adopted monster, probably because of their ghoulish appearances. When Zommers are adopted, they are mostly chosen by boys. Zommers are almost exclusively males.

Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

national parks

wow! This is the coolest place for me name the park "Iguazu" try clay cool pictures once I know this place from the movie on TV. This fountain can diapak raft ride around a very large waterfall yng .. so I really want to go there. PLEASE GOD 

Dartmoor National Park is wholly contained within the boundaries of Devon and is dominated by some of the wildest upland moorland in the UK. Granite outcrops or tors are a feature of the landscape and add visual interest.

When you remember that much of California once had millions of these Dartmoor giants, you can understand the fervent desire of citizens of this state to find many ways of halting the destruction of the almost perfect example of the unique California environment

Yosemite National Park, located in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains, is a 1,200 square mile area filled with cliffs, unusual rock formations, giant sequoia groves, rare plants, and impressive waterfalls.  Yet most visitors to the park visit only the Yosemite Valley.

The Bungle Bungles, situated in Purnululu National Park in Western Australia.  hemm.. maybe you dont like.. BUT  i very like it!!
 Hancock gorge, located in the Karijini National Park in Western Australia. is close to the park on this one I am sure that you also love that palce to........ SO? if you come to autralia come to hancock.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011


now is the time UASBN elementary school that is Indonesian, Mathematics, and Science lesson lessons that made me mad but if I want to learn to really really I'm sure all children succeed or commonly spelled PASS.

This is an example of a child that is difficult to guess because he did not learn another with pictures of children on her to do the problems quickly and thoroughly as this child is not confused.

Sabtu, 07 Mei 2011

Indonesian Movies

This is indonesian movie that is Laskar Pelangi,Sherina,Rumah tanpa jendela, Sang pemimpi , Merah putih,Darah Garuda this is movies at indonesian if you want watch that film only buy the CD at CD Shop. :)

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011


Once there was a miller who was very poor and very boastful. He had a beautiful daughter whom he loved very much and whom he tried to keep protected from the world.
One day she was playing in her garden when she met Boy. They became friends and he told the miller's daughter all about the selfish king. Boy worked in the palace for the king. The Miller was not happy about his daughter talking to Boy.
    One day the miller happened to be talking to the king. The miller was so vain and proud of his daughter that he stupidly said to the king, "My daughter can spin straw into gold."
Now the king was very greedy and he loved money and gold. When he heard the miller's boast, he said, "How fascinating! If your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to the palace, and we will see what she can do
When the daughter was brought to the king he took her to a room that was full of straw, and gave her a spinning wheel. He then left her after saying, "Off you go then. All this straw must be spun into gold by tomorrow morning. If you don't manage this, I will have you killed." 
She sat down in one corner and started to cry. She didn't know what to do. How on earth could she spin straw into gold? All of a sudden, the door opened and in hobbled a little funny looking man. He said, "Good evening. What are you crying for?"
"Oh," she said, "I must spin this straw in to gold by tomorrow morning and I don't know how."
"What will you give me," said the little man, "if I do it for you?" "My necklace," replied the miller's daughter.
The little funny looking man took the necklace and sat himself down at the spinning wheel. 
Whirr, Whirr, Whirr, three times the wheel went round and the first reel was full. Whirr, Whirr, Whirr, three times the wheel went round and the second reel was full.
He worked well into the night, happy in his work, until all the work was done and all the straw was spun into gold. 
  When the king unlocked the door and came into the room he was amazed and astonished. He was delighted with the reels of gold. But the king was a greedy man and his heart swelled with greed. This was not enough for him. Now he wanted more. So he took the miller's daughter into a larger room that was also full of straw, and again told her to spin all the straw into gold or he would have her killed. 
    Again, the king locked the door and she started to weep. But all of a sudden the little funny looking man came in again and said, " What will you give me this time to do your task?" "This ring on my finger," she replied. So the little man took her ring and started work.
Whirr, Whirr, Whirr, three times the wheel went round and the first reel was full. Whirr, Whirr, Whirr, three times the wheel went round and the second reel was full.
He worked well into the night, happy in his work, until all the work was done and all the straw was spun into gold.
In the morning the king came in again and was even more 
astonished to see that all the straw had been spun into gold once 
again. However his greed meant that he was still not satisfied, 
and he took the miller's daughter to an even bigger room, also 
full of straw and said, "All this must be spun into gold by the
morning. If you don't succeed, 
I shall have you killed." (He thought to himself, 
"She could be my queen. She may only be a miller's daughter, 
but I couldn't find a richer wife in the whole world")
As soon as she was left alone and started to cry, the funny looking little man came in again and said, "What will you give me this time for doing your task?" "I have nothing left to give you," sobbed the miller's daughter.
"Then promise me," he said, "if you ever become queen, to give me your first child." 
The miller's daughter thought to herself, "That will never happen. The king will never marry a poor miller's daughter!" So she promised the little man to give her what he wanted.
The little man sat down to work.
Whirr, Whirr, Whirr, three times the wheel went round and the first reel was full. Whirr, Whirr, Whirr, three times the wheel went round and the second reel was full. He worked well into the night, happy in his work, until all the work was done and all the straw was spun into gold.
The king came into the room in the morning and found all that he had wished for, so he married the miller's daughter the very next day, and she really did become queen.

year Later

A year later, she had her first child, and they were both very happy. 
She had forgotten all about her promise to the funny looking little 
man, until one day he suddenly appeared and reminded her of it. 
The queen was horrified. She offered him all the riches in the 
kingdom if only he could forget her promise to him. She cried and
cried and cried. In fact she cried so much that the little man took
pity on her. "I will give you three days grace" he said. "If, in that 
time, you can find out what my name is, you can keep your baby." 
Boy heard of the queen's pain and went to speak to her. He saw 
how distressed she was so he went out into the world to try and 
seek out the funny looking little man and find out his name.
That night the Queen tossed and turned all night trying to think of 
all the odd names that she had ever heard. She sent out messengers
around the kingdom, and across the land to ask what other names
there may be. The next day, the little man came and she began to
reel off some names. "Timothy, Benjamin, Casper, Melchior, 
Jerome" and all the other names she knew, but to all of them he said,
"That's not my name!"On the second day she sent the messengers 
back out to found out more new names, and when the little man came 
back she tried all the funny, comical names she knew. 
"Scar-face, Bandy-legs, Sparerib, Turnip-head", but he answered 
"No!" to all of them.On the third day, 
after having many adventures and 
meeting many different creatures, Boy came back. 
He told the queen, "As I walked through a thick forest yesterday, 
where the fox and the hare said goodnight to each other, 
I saw a little hut, and before the hut there burnt a fire, 
and round the fire danced a little funny looking man. 
As he was dancing, he sang:
Today I brew, tomorrow I bake,
And after that the child I I'll take.
I'm the winner of the game,
Rumpelstiltskin is my name". 

When the queen heard this, she jumped for joy as she knew
that this was surely the little man's name. As soon as her 
little visitor came into her room that night, she joked.
"Is it Tom?"
"No" laughed the little man. 
"Is it Jas?"
"Is it Sloppy Joe?"

"Could it be………… Rumpelstiltskin?"
"Some witch must have told you that!" cried the little man and he stamped his foot so hard into the ground that his whole leg went in. He then was so angry that he pulled so hard to get his leg out and he split himself in two then disappeared! 
So the queen kept her baby, and loved it all the more because she had so nearly lost it.
And her and her king, and the miller and Boy lived happily for a long time and never heard from the funny little man again. 

Arabian night

Arabian night 

A group of Nomads arrive and set up their camp for the night. To amuse themselves they tell stories and act out plays.
They tell a story about two brothers Shahzaman and Shahryar and they start to act out the story.
Shahryar is about to be married. His brother, angry at having been betrayed by his own wife says that he must not marry one girl but take a new bride every night. Shahryar does as his brother tells him and executes his new brides on the morning after each wedding.

It is the job of the Grand Vizier to find new brides, but he soon runs out of young women and finds that he must offer his own daughters. Sheherazad, the older of the two, volunteers to be the first. She is a clever young woman and delays the wedding by starting to tell a story…
  The story is about two brothers Kasim and Ali. Kasim is a rich merchant, Ali, a poor woodcutter. Ali is at the market when he sees a slave, Marjiana who is about to be sold. Marjiana consents to the sale even though Ali does not have enough money. Miraculously, he finds that some gold coins have appeared in his woodpile (Marjiana has hidden them there). Ali’s brother, Kasim, who hoped to buy Marjiana is furious, as is Jawan 
The Terrible, a robber who also wanted the slave."
Ali’s life with Marjiana prospers. One day he is cutting wood in the forest and he sees Jawan The Terrible ride up to a huge rock. Jawan says the words “open sesame” the rock opens into a doorway. Ali realises that this is where Jawan hides the loot from people he has robbed. Ali tries the magic words and finds himself in a cave full of treasure. 
He takes some home to Marjiana, who feels that taking the treasure was wrong. Ali wants to weigh his treasure so he dashes off to his brothers house . Kasim is suspicious and greedy and tricks Ali into telling him about the cave.

Kasim rushes off to find the cave and see the treasure for himself. He lets himself in using the magic words, but when he tries to get out he forgets how to. Kasim has a terrible night in the cave trying to remember the words to open the rock. He suddenly remembers and is about to say it when Jawan enters from outside. He is furious that his treasure has been found and leaves Kasim unconscious entombed in the cave to rot.
When Ali gets home she makes him go back to the cave to rescue Kasim. Ali is terrified, so Marjiana goes with him. They enter the cave but when Kasim wakes he is again only interested in taking as much of the treasure as he can. Kasim steals a large jar which he drags back to Ali’s house.   Eventually Kasim is successful and opens the jar, except that instead of treasure, from the jar appears a huge Genie! The genie is so angry at being imprisoned in the jar for thousands of years that he says he will kill whoever releases him.
Luckily Marjiana appears and tricks the genie back into his jar. Kasim, realising that again he has no treasure makes off with Ali’s gold. .
Jawan, meanwhile is bent on revenge. He finds out from a healer woman that Kasim is at Ali’s house. She tells Jawan how to get there – but he gets lost, as does Kasim, staggering around the back streets with Ali’s treasure.
When they bump into each other, Kasim, to save his own skin, says that the treasure belongs to Ali and that Ali knows the secret of the cave. Jawan, still threatening, forces Kasim to get them an invite to Ali’s house).  
Back at the house Kasim arrives and introduces Jawan as a visiting oil merchant who enters dragging a pretend jar of samples. In the jar is hidden one of Jawan’s band of robbers. Marjiana is suspicious and she hides in his room and during the night overhears the two plotting.
She uncovers the jar with the genie in it, so that Jawan releases the genie thinking that he is letting out one of his men. He is swept off in a mighty wind. 
The genie is impressed with Marjiana’s resourcefulness and offers her a wish. Because she wants Ali safe from the temptation of riches, she asks that the cave and its treasure to be hidden under the sea. Ali sadly realises that Kasim has betrayed him.
Through this story Shahryar, who has been playing Ali realises that his brother Shahzaman, has been an evil influence. He has forced him to be cruel to his wives and Shahryar decides he has had enough. He stands up for himself, telling his brother to leave, Shahzaman has learned his lesson and asks for forgiveness. The two brothers are reconciled and Sheherazad and Shahryar can at last marry happily. With the end of the story the nomads story has come to an end.