Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011

national parks

wow! This is the coolest place for me name the park "Iguazu" try clay cool pictures once I know this place from the movie on TV. This fountain can diapak raft ride around a very large waterfall yng .. so I really want to go there. PLEASE GOD 

Dartmoor National Park is wholly contained within the boundaries of Devon and is dominated by some of the wildest upland moorland in the UK. Granite outcrops or tors are a feature of the landscape and add visual interest.

When you remember that much of California once had millions of these Dartmoor giants, you can understand the fervent desire of citizens of this state to find many ways of halting the destruction of the almost perfect example of the unique California environment

Yosemite National Park, located in the central Sierra Nevada Mountains, is a 1,200 square mile area filled with cliffs, unusual rock formations, giant sequoia groves, rare plants, and impressive waterfalls.  Yet most visitors to the park visit only the Yosemite Valley.

The Bungle Bungles, situated in Purnululu National Park in Western Australia.  hemm.. maybe you dont like.. BUT  i very like it!!
 Hancock gorge, located in the Karijini National Park in Western Australia. is close to the park on this one I am sure that you also love that palce to........ SO? if you come to autralia come to hancock.

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